Joust training

This year I will be attending a Joust in the Netherlands. Perhaps with Finorio, perhaps with one of the other more experienced boys. But either way we have started our training. Here is from a session the other day. As you can se, especially on the go, stop, go, part, I’m using a bit too much rein. I need to sort that out to be able to contain that energy in the seat and not let him brace on the hand.

Other than that, he did really well for his first proper jousting training session.

Tønsberg Medieval festival

Tønsberg Medieval Festival was the first weekend of june. I haven’t posted about it before because I have been so slow.

This was Finorio and Unico’s first event as show horses. Finorio had the pleasure to come with me to judge at the Oslo Medieval Festival the weekend before, at the St. Hallvards tournament. In Oslo he had no demands, and were just present on the arena, in Tønsberg we were performing.

As expected Finorio was pretty tense and stressed in Oslo. Lots of people watching, jousters in armor, speakers, and so on. But he kept as cool as he could and the experience was at least one of learning for the both of us. Everything is training. Continue reading “Tønsberg Medieval festival”