About the girl

From a clinic with Arne Koets october 2016

My name is Siri and my life with horses started at the age of 5 when I started a 10 week course with little Shetland Ponies. At the time, they were huuge and I was so scared of them that I actually didn’t do much the first course. My parents or grandmother did all the grooming while I stood in the background. Luckily for me I got past that initial fear and continued riding.

After several years in different riding schools, I started to help a friend with her horse, at the same time as having a lease on another pony. When I was 15 I got my very own horse, the amazing halfbreed of some sort called Lovejoy. We had the best time together, but after a few years I had to sell because I had to focus on education and time was running away from me.

After I sold my horse and during my nursing degree I continued riding, although not regularly. Mostly helping out training race horses at my old yard, and all other horses people needed help with. When I finished my Bachelor in Nursing I wanted to go back to riding again, and this time I wanted to learn proper riding, how to actually improve and help the horse. Not just run around without any sense of direction. This line of thought brought me to try out for several different instructors.

From a clinic with Andrew Murphy january 2017

In 2010 I started attending Andrew Murphy clinics, first just watching because of all the riding spots were taken. It took me 6 months on the waiting list before I finally got a chance to ride and it changed my whole way of thinking, when it comes to training horses. Andrew is an english trainer who is a senior instructor of the TTT.

In 2011 I met Arne Koets at a clinic and since then I have discussed many aspects of riding and training horses with him. He is a jouster with keen interest in historical dressage and have studied under the teachings of Wolfgang Krischke at the Fürstliche Hofreitschule in Bückeburg. This is Baroque riding art and at first glance very different from what I’m used to. But after several years of discussions, arguments and clinics I have realised how similar it is to what I’m used to, just seen from a slightly different angle.

In 2014 I finished my Bachelors degree in Equine studies with prime focus on behaviour and training the sports horse. I feel that this background gives me a wider understanding on how and why the horses behave like they do, and how to asses and improve their welfare. Both when it comes to athletes and leisure horses.

In september 2016 I began my studies in Equine Craniosacral therapy and have finished ECS1 2 and 3 through the workshops with http://www.equinecraniosacral.com/. I have started treating horses and I am very interested in working with the horses with combining treatment and correct training. The summer of 2018 I’m starting on the journey of becoming an Equine Osteopath through the Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education (http://vluggeninstitute.com/homepage/).

I am always searching for more knowledge when it comes to riding and handling horses, and this blog is just a place to put all my thoughts as I go along.

From a clinic with David Oliveira in 2010

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